Friday, 11 March 2011

Catching Up with Photos in Bangkok

So here I am in this city for the third time, only this time it is with a head full of Great Memories rather than one full of Great Expectations. Accompanying that though is the least clear picture of what I want to do or where I want to go that I have had on this trip. While I sweat my way through a few Thai curries, regain some of my tan lost in the wintry north, and foster a plan, I'll just post a selection of the many photos that I've been promising while in China, starting at the top with Japan, then Korea, The Great Wall, Crazy Beijing Fireworks and the Terracotta Warriors in Xi'an.

The Japanese shinkansen, Bullet Train, that took me from Tokyo to the port of Hakata


Downtown SeoulKing Sejong the Great (I think) and the incredible part aztec/part sci-fi Korean characters

Ancient Temple Guards (Seoul)

Bustling food market in Seoul with great BBQ and fried snacks

The imprisoned North Korean cheerleaders mentioned in this post, and the names of numerous others suffering the same fate

The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling

More to follow in post 2...


  1. The fourth shot of the Wall is perfect - I hate you... :)

  2. Amazing!
    Looks like it's right out of a magazine

  3. Beautiful pictures of the Great Wall. Jealous!

  4. it's jay the Korean dude from BKK. looks great! just bought a bicycle for commute, but can't figure how you could pull off everything!

  5. Hi Toby - great to know you're still reading, thanks so much for all your comments over the past year : )

    Hey Jay, good choice man! I hope you enjoy it. Be careful though, before you know it you'll be thinking about riding further than just to work...
